Friday, 7 September 2012

Week One: Spree Vs Save

I love Net A Porter and spend hours browsing//drooling over a range of luxurious items i'll never be able to afford. Here is an cheap alternative to one of my all time favorite classic pieces on Net A Porter.

These Jimmy Choo Shoes are quite steep at £365 but i've found a very similar pair on ASOS which are actually in the sale for a mere £9!!

Links are here...
Jimmy Choo Shoes
ASOS Shoes


  1. wow this is so good! well done!
    i love this post!
    so great!
    i actually love your blog as well, you have such great taste ahhh! gorgeous :)
    would you mind checking mine out please? would be an honour!
    It's fashion Damnit
    Thanks so much xxxx

    1. Thanks for your lovely comments! Pretty new to the blogging world so they mean a lot!

      Really like your blog too, it's full of new ideas and great advice! X


I love your comments and will always check out links for your lovely blogs :)