Sunday, 17 November 2013

What I Bought This Week

I've been quite good this week with the exception of one extremely naughty purchase... here's what I got :)
First up is something which i technically didnt buy this week but on Wednesday they finally arrived! I watch a lot of Vlogs and have been lusting over the perspex holders everyone seems to store their make up in. I ordered these about 3 weeks ago from Ebay from a seller in China and they cost me about £7.00 with postage. I'm actually really pleased with them and think it's a really cool and visable way of storing lip products - here is the link to buy them!
Next up in this gorgeous necklace from accessorize which my friends bought me for my birthday - will instantly dress up a casual outfit.
This was a bit of a splurge - I've noticed that I've started I've developing a number of wrinkles and my skin is starting to look a bit rough. I went into John Lewis to pick up the bear and the hare Christmas cards and somehow ended up walking out with this. It wasn't cheap and retails for about £45 but i can already see the effects on my skin and am loving the product. You can buy this here.... If anyone would like a more detailed review please let me know.

Last up are a few items I got in the Topshop sale, as I'm sure I've probably already banged on about I'm a massive fan of the massive statement necklaces that are everywhere at the moment - these were only £2.50 each and once again I'll probably just wear them with a plain tee.




  1. I really like that horse necklace, its so unusual x
    Heroine In Heels

  2. I haven't had the chance to hit the sales yet... :( Hopefully next weekend! I'm looking to may some acrylic make up holders too, will definitely take these into account when I'm making my choice!

  3. I love the necklace!

    The Cutielicious


I love your comments and will always check out links for your lovely blogs :)